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Título:  Portuguese adaptation of the Child Health and Illness Profile, Child Edition (CHIP-CE)
Autores:  Manuel Alves Rodrigues
João Luís Alves Apóstolo
Recebido para publicação:  2010-07-27
Aceite para publicação:  2010-11-17
Secção:  Artigo
DOI:  10.12707/RIII1003
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Background: Valid and comprehensive instruments that allow us to obtain self-reports of children’s health and health-related behaviour are invaluable for understanding health and illness trajectories, for health resource planning and for evaluation of policy.
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the process of adapting the Child Health and Illness Profile, Child Edition (CHIP-CE), a selfreport health status instrument for children aged 6 to 11 years, to Portuguese (Riley et al., 2004).
Method: After consensual translation by experts, the CHIP-CE was administered to 255 pupils, mean age 9.93 years, and its internal consistency, construct validity and concurrent validity were evaluated.
Results: The CHIP-CE Portuguese version had good internal consistency. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.83 for Satisfaction, 0.79 for Comfort, 0.67 for Resilience, 0.71 for Risk avoidance, 0.77 for Achievement and 0.88 for the total scale. Factor analysis showed a fivefactor structure: Satisfaction, Comfort, Resilience, Risk avoidance and Achievement. This was similar to the original version, explaining 40.83% of the total variance. All Satisfaction and Comfort items had factor loadings on their respective domains of at least 0.30, except for 7 items.
Conclusions: The properties of the CHIP-CE Portuguese version demonstrate its value for measuring children’s perceptions of their own health and well-being.

child; child welfare; health profile.
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