Nursing School of Coimbra

Student Guide


Welcome to the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC)!

Dear student,

The Pedagogical Board is very happy that you have chosen this School, which is heir to the most ancient nursing education in Portugal.

This is also your School now!

In this new stage of your life, please know that the Pedagogical Board and the whole Education Community will do everything at our reach for you to have a dynamic and enriching academic journey that will provide you with a solid basis for your lifelong learning.

The scientific and humanistic dimensions of the Bachelor’s degree will contribute to your professional, personal, and social development. In this first cycle of studies, you will have to make a major investment and effort to succeed and be recognized in professional practice as a nurse.

This School is a public institution of national and international reference in the training of nurses and citizens within an education community that is committed to research, knowledge dissemination, and community outreach services. Here, education is based on a humanistic, scientific and cultural training of socially recognized professionals.

From a pedagogical perspective, thanks to their differentiated qualifications, the School’s faculty and staff are very efficient in their work. Their outstanding performance facilitates the school life and contributes to a successful teaching/learning process. The School also provides students with high-quality facilities, material resources, and equipment.

Throughout the whole study program and during your stay at the School, you can participate in the multiple social bodies of the School, as well as in national and international projects that will help you develop your professional identity and enhance your entrepreneurial spirit. The commitment to a democratic experience at the School, your future, and your colleagues’ future is a guarantee of the development of the Nursing science and of a better quality of life in the future.

The School is built with all of us!

Pedagogical Board Office - Campus B

Note: This guide has information that is useful and important for your integration.



History of the ESEnfC

The Nursing School of Coimbra is the result of the merger process of the Nursing School of Higher Education Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca and the Nursing School of Higher Education Bissaya Barreto, established by Decree-Law (4) No. 175/2004, 21st July (Portuguese Official Journal No. 170 - I Series A).

The Nursing School of Higher Education Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca was founded in 1881. Private at that time and known as “Coimbra Nurses School”, it started to function on 17th October of that year. In May 1919 it was converted into an Official School, changing its denomination to Nursing School of the University of Coimbra Hospitals. On 8th January 1931 it became known as the Nursing School Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca by Ministerial Order 7001, 8th January 1931. On 19th July 1982 its denomination changed to “Post-Elementary Nursing School Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca” by Governmental Decree No. 28/87, 31st July. As a consequence of the integration of nursing instruction into Higher Education, this institution adopted the nomenclature Nursing School [of H.E.] Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca by Ministerial Order No. 821/89, 15th September (Portuguese Official Journal, I Series B, 10th January, Normative Order No. 3/2004).


The Nursing School of Higher Education Bissaya Barreto (ESEBB), up until then known as Nursing School Bissaya Barreto, was established by Ministerial Order No. 231/71, 3rd May, as an official service of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, endowed with technical and administrative autonomy. The conversion of the School into Nursing School was established by Ministerial Order No. 821/89, 15th September.


In order to complete the merger process of both Schools, a Coordination Commission was founded. This Commission started its work on 27th October 2004 and promoted the participation of the entire community from both Schools through programmed debates, so as to elaborate a proposal for Mission, Vision and forms of Organisation of the New School.

The first Statutes of the Nursing School of Coimbra were homologated by Legislative Order No. 20/2006, 17th March, as published in the Portuguese Official Journal No. 55, I Series B.

Later on, in accordance with Law No. 62/2007, 10th September (Legal Framework of the Higher Education Institutions), the Nursing School of Coimbra reviewed its Statutes, homologated by Legislative Order No. 50/2008 (9th September) and published by the Portuguese Official Journal (24th September, 2008).



Mission and Responsibilities

The Nursing School of Coimbra, heir to the most ancient Nursing training in Portugal, is a nationally and internationally recognised public institution due to its quality and innovation, with a recognised intervention in the health system and in society.

It consists of an educative community that is committed to the humanist, scientific, technical and cultural training of socially recognised professionals; with the promotion of accredited research, the dissemination of knowledge and the provision of services.

The school has the following responsibilities:
a) The implementation of study cycles aiming at the granting of academic degrees, as well as degrees of other post-secondary courses, courses of postgraduate training and others, in accordance with the provisions of the law;
b) The creation of an educative environment appropriate to its objectives;
c) The accomplishment of research and the support and participation in scientific institutions;
d) The economic transfer and valorisation of the scientific and technological knowledge;
e) The accomplishment of professional training sessions and updating of knowledge;
f) The provision of services to the community and support to the development;
g) The cultural, scientific and technical cooperation and interchange with congenerous national and international institutions;
h) The contribution, within its scope of activity, to the international cooperation and to the convergence of the nations, especially the Portuguese-speaking countries and the European countries;
i) The production and dissemination of knowledge and culture.

The ESEnfC shall also be responsible for, in accordance with the provisions of the law, the granting of equivalences and the recognition of academic degrees and qualifications.




In the accomplishment of its mission, the ESEnfC considers its fundamental values as being the following:

Humanism - The school bases its action on the respect for the dignity of the human being and the freedom of thought, assigning responsibility to all the participants in the educational process and promoting the valuation, the creativity and the solidarity in the construction of a learner institution;

Citizenship - The school, besides the professional training, also aims at the overall training of citizens according to the principles of solidarity, democraticity and participation;

Freedom - The school promotes the freedom of cultural, scientific, technical and artistic creation, guaranteeing the freedom of expression and the plurality of ideas and opinions;

Excellence - The school develops training, research, innovation and services based on high quality criteria;

Cooperation - The school bases its policies on the global social needs, promoting the solidarity action and the close connection with the community;

Ethics - The school guarantees the respect for the deontological norms of the profession and the research and for the individual and social rights.




The School is a national and international reference in the development and affirmation of the Nursing discipline. It provides training in partnership with national and international health and education institutions. Moreover, the School is oriented towards the new socio-demographic needs and the requirements of the global labour market and lifelong training. It is also students' first choice for the three training cycles in Nursing.

The School is a reference in terms of quality of production, dissemination and transfer of knowledge, and in the training of researchers. It contributes to the development of innovative practices based on the knowledge produced. The School is recognised at the national and international levels because it systematically articulates research, training and practices in the nursing domain.

The School develops advice and innovation services in nursing in order to meet the needs resulting from social changes, implements scientific evidences and facilitates training, research and entrepreneurship processes in articulation and complementarity with other community institutions.

The School is recognised and sought at the international level due to the qualification of the teaching body, its undergraduate and postgraduate training and research in nursing. It promotes scientific, technical and cultural mobility of the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff and students, as well as the development of training and research in collaboration with congenerous institutions.

The professionals trained by the School are socially recognised by the excellence of their overall training. For this training contributes a culture which is characterised by the focus on the person, the respect for his/her creativity, innovation and commitment with the project of the School, satisfaction with the work/study and by the systematic articulation of all the domains of training, innovation and research.

The School is a reference in the higher education system at the level of the processes of management, development, consolidation and partnerships. It stands out due to its high level of participation in the decision-making process centred on self-responsibility, the sustained organisation of its processes and the visibility in the community.



Academic Symbols and Logo

The insignia is composed of a shield and a crown. The two lamps, with merging flames, symbolize two schools which become a single one. The open book with the white heart symbolizes the nursing activity: science and profession. The colour purple, the colour of the city of Coimbra, represents, in its deep meaning, knowledge, wisdom, humanity, the sense of citizenship and ethics inherent to education, research and practice of nursing care.

The crown loops symbolize the close connection between all the members of the teaching staff, the student staff and the non-teaching staff, and their connection with the community. This is inherent to a school guided by the principles of solidarity, democracity and participation, and which aims at contributing to the creation of an inclusive society and one promoter of well-being and quality of life. The insignia is given to the student when he/she finishes the course.


The stamp is circular and it includes the shield, encircled by a fillet containing the name of the School in capital letters: «ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE ENFERMAGEM DE COIMBRA» (Nursing School of Coimbra).




The symbol invokes the coat of arms of the Nursing School of Coimbra, interpreting the iconic elements formulated by the definition contemplated by its heraldry. Here, the brand also confirms the joining together of the two institutions of nursing training and science which resulted in the ESEnfC and are, nowadays, in the city of Coimbra, with a single identity and cause - the condition COIMBRA NURSING. The geometry of the circle gives us the impression of the formal structure of the sun (light, path). It is in this support that the letter «e» (enfermagem-nursing) is drawn and compromised. The stylization of the silhouette of the two golden lamps makes both flames merge as a single one and, in this way, announces the joining together of the two arms of a same dynamic body. These arms cross in a movement of translation, where a hand takes care of the patient and the other gives back the health.



Academic and Institutional Life



Annual Events for Nursing Students

Welcome of 1st-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing

This integration process is intended for new students starting their academic life at the ESEnfC. It is our aim to welcome students coming to the School for the first time and provide them, from the beginning, with an easier integration into Higher Education and help them participate in a School where the pedagogical, scientific, civic, and cultural spheres, among others, interact on a daily basis, in a healthy relationship environment that favours their development and maturity.



The gala is organised at the end of the school year. Students and members of the teaching staff are nominated for different types of categories, such as the Coolest teacher, Seal award or night man. The gala is the equivalent to the ESEnfC's Oscar night!

Nobody misses the event…




Course Closing Party

The graduation and swearing-in ceremony of the ESEnfC’s newly graduates will take place at the end of the school year in a very emotional farewell event.







National Nursing Students Meeting

Official webpage of the National Nursing Students Meeting (ENEE)




Other events in Coimbra

May - Queima das Fitas (Academic festivities)

4th July - Day of the City / Festivities of the Holy Queen Isabel

October/November - The Tin Can Festival (Latada - Academic festivities)



Quality policy

The Nursing School of Coimbra seeks to promote the involvement of all its educational community and other stakeholders of its processes of continuous improvement in delineating its strategical guidelines and institutional assessment processes. This school uses a transparency policy, disseminating the results of evaluations and a strategy of constructivist development, calling all to the discussion and reflection on the results of evaluations and a generation of improvement proposals.

The ESEnfC has a quality assurance policy based on systematic monitoring and evaluation processes, in all areas of its strategical development, for the promotion of continuous improvement.

Useful information

Health Institutions

Coimbra University Hospital Centre
      - Coimbra University Hospitals - 239 400 400 / 239 400 500
      - Hospital Centre of Coimbra - 239 800 100
      - Paediatric Hospital of Coimbra - 239 480 300
      - Maternity Hospital Dr. Daniel de Matos - 239 403 060
      - Maternity Hospital Bissaya Barreto - 239 480 400
Health Centre of S. Martinho - 239 802 900
Health Centre of Santa Clara - 239 802 110

Telephone helplines

SOS Coimbra Student - 808 200 204
SOS Student - 239 200 204
Coimbra Office of Victim Support - 239 781 545
Portuguese Association for Victim Support - 239 707 200 / 239 707 077
SOS Woman - 239 832 073
SOS Friend - 239 721 010
Pregnancy Helpline - 239 824 300
SOS Friendly Voice - 239 721 010
Sexuality helpline - 808 222 003
Youth centre - 239 200 429
Drug Prevention and Treatment Service - 239 483 041
Alcoholics Anonymous - 217 162 969
Anti-Poison - 808 250 143
Health 24 - 808 24 24 24

Security Forces

Volunteer fire brigade - 239 822 323 / 239 823 383
Security Police - 239 851 300
Criminal Police - 239 828 135 / 239 828 134
INEM Medical Emergency - 112


Portuguese Railways - 808 208 208 -
Rede Expressos (Bus Company) - 239 855 270 -
AVIC - 239 820 141
Politáxis - 239 499 090
SMTUC - Timetables - Map

Coimbra Academic Association

Coimbra Academic Association - 239 410 400

Culture and Entertainment

Academic Theatre Gil Vicente - 239 855 630
Municipal Theatre Workshop - 239 718 238
Lusomundo Cinemas (Fórum Coimbra / Dolce Vita) - 707 246 362
Fnac (Fórum Coimbra) - 239 801 600
Bissaya Barreto House Museum - 239 853 800
Municipal House of Culture / Municipal Library - 239 702 630
Anthropological Museum - 239 829 051
Zoological Museum - 239 491 650

Ordem dos Enfermeiros (Nurses Association)

The Ordem dos Enfermeiros is a public association that represents the Nursing graduates, who work as registered nurses in compliance with the statutes of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros and the applicable legal provisions.
Official webpage of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros



From Student to Student

1 - Your responsibilities increase from now on... grow with them, you are responsible for managing your own learning process.

2 - You will know more people in one month than you have ever known before... it will feel like you are in a crowd every day, try to make new friendships.

3 - Integrate yourself into the new environment... meet your new home, your new city, be acquainted with the public services and search for the secrets and charms of this mythical city.

4 - Academic success does not happen overnight... the standard expected may increase, subjects will become more complex.

5 - An exam is not prepared over a sleepless night... it is difficult to prepare for the study. Plan your study and the delivery of works.

6 - The best method of study is yours... this is the right time for you to define it, other people's methods may not work with you.

7 - Time flies... these may be the most intense years of your life.



Technical sheet


Student Guide 2020/2021

Coordination and Editorial Staff

Pedagogical Board
    Rogério Manuel Clemente Rodrigues
    Luís Manuel da Cunha Batalha
    Helena Maria Mourão Felizardo
    Rosa Cristina Correia Lopes
    Cristiana Morais Nunes
    João Miguel Leite Duarte
    Inês Margarida Ruivo Dias
    Nuno Filipe Morais Piedade

Editorial Support

    Carlo Santos
    Eurico Nogueira
    Luís Silva


    Ana Fernandes
    Patrícia Ribeiro

Property and Edition

Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
Avenida Bissaya Barreto e/ou Rua 5 de outubro - Apartado 7001
3046 - 851 Coimbra


Kindly provided by the Tuna de Enfermagem de Coimbra



Welcome to the Nursing School of Coimbra!


Nursing School of Coimbra

Campus A

Avenida Bissaya Barreto | Apartado 7001 | 3046-851 Coimbra
Telephone: 239 487 200 | Fax: 239 483 378

Campus B

Rua 5 de Outubro | Apartado 7001 | 3046-851 Coimbra
Telephone: 239 802 850 | Fax: 239 442 648

Campus C

Rua Dr. José Alberto Reis | 3000-232 Coimbra
Telephone: 239 802 850 | Fax: 239 442 648
